What all CakePHP 3 Brings For Developers

The CakePHP development company has come up with their fresh product: the CakePHP 3.0.0 beta3. The different PHP platforms are offering developers a wide variety of choices. The evolve of CakePHP has created healthy PHP developers over the years.


CakePHP 3.0.0 Beta3 - Features


With the original plan of sticking to only 2 beta models, the new team has come up with the beta3 release. Community feedback and other remaining changes have been incorporated in a substantial manner to break the compatibility. Below are the major updates and new features that have been integrated in CakePHP 3.0.0 beta3:


  • The replacement value for Inflector::slug() has been made as – where earlier it was _.
  • Bake templates, involving pre-analyzing of the steps, now use the templating mechanism. It will drastically mend readability and effortlessness of generating original bake templates.
  • The unused constants of TESTS and LOG_ERROR have been permanently removed.
  • CakeCacheEngineFileEngine has been assigned the task of creating directories when debugging is off.
  • The outcomes in memory are now cached by Request::is()
  • To generate the clause of BETWEEN the interrogation expression constructor has the between() method.
  • With the new release of CakePHP there are two events of AuthComponent. The Auth.afterIdentity gets fired whenever the user gets recognized for log in. The Auth.logout gets fired whenever the AuthComponent::logout() gets called.
  • While generating the routes it calls new functions.
  • The SET() type will correctly return a value.
  • If any user customizes the templates of FormHelper, there will be a need of updating the templates.
  • Whenever controller actions are invoked using requestAction(), it should now return Response objects.
  • Dashed Route class has been combined.


CakePHP is going to stay as one of the leading runners of PHP development due to its enhanced performance and better session management. ORM validation is being looked upon right now and it is being expected that there will be two more releases after the beta3. They have made the variety of tasks in the field of website development a piece of cake!

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