Reasons that make Angular JS the best bet for your next project

Angular JS is relatively a new JavaScript Framework launched by Google and helps make front end web development far easier. The resource comes with a whole lot of plugins and frameworks for both developers and designers alike. It helps build maintainable and thoroughly architectured web applications. There are several reasons that make Angular JS a more preferred option to organize web applications. It can be rightly said that if you still haven’t tried Angular, you are probably missing out on the most flexible language available.
Developed by Google
This is obvious but what makes Angular JS such an incredible alternative is it being made by Google. There are other JS frameworks that seem to work fine but reliability becomes an issue since they have been built by hobbyist as facilitated by the open source community. Angular JS on the other hand has been built and is being maintained by Google experts. This indicates that developers have the option to learn from the highest certified open source experts and your questions will be sorted out by experienced and skilled professionals.
Service providers where they belong
This, as most of us would already be aware of, isn’t the first attempt from Google to come up with a suitable JavaScript framework. We have seen Web Toolkit, CSS3, HTML 5 and JavaScript being used both as a back end and front end language but it is now that Google has realized that web pages aren’t meant to be solely created in Java. Angular JS standardized the web application structures and also provides templates for client side apps. The adoption of Angular JS for client side development has become more viable for several online communities and one can be sure of a reliable and efficient code that rightly match the scale of your projects. Angular JS is certainly the choice if the idea is to build a solid foundation for applications.
Highly comprehensive
Angular JS seems to be a complete solution for frond end web development. Using this, there is no extra plugin requirement to build a data driven web framework. With Angular JS, we have MVVM to the rescue. While Models can interact with $Scope objects, they also can be subsequently rendered and delivered by the Views. Thereafter, the views can be routed via the $routeProvider object. This facilitates organizing and deep linking Controllers and Views and turning them into easily navigable URLs.
Unit testing ready
Other facilities of Angular JS include RESTful actions, Dependency Injections, Data Binding, Extending HTML and converting it into Templates, Expert level Testing and several other facilities. This is a thoroughly declarative user interface we are talking about and one that has behaviors with directives, flexible filters, easy DOM manipulations and context aware communications. These certainly beat the traditional method of app testing and invoke component interaction to check the readiness.
Getting started in minutes
It is incredibly easy to get started with Angular JS. Just add a few attributes to HTML scripts and you have an app ready in less than a couple of minutes. The final codes aren’t also riddled in event handlers and callbacks for all the objects that have been touched, enabled, selected or clicked. Angular JS does an intelligent heavy lifting of all the controller functions.

1. Add the ng-app directive to the <html> tag so Angular knows to run on the page:

<html lang=”en” ng-app>

2. Add the Angular <script> tag to the end of your <head> tag:


…meta and stylesheet tags…

<script src=”lib/angular/angular.js”></script>

3. Add regular HTML. AngularJS directives are accessed through HTML attributes, while expressions are evaluated with double-bracket notation:

<body ng-controller=”ActivitiesListCtrl”>

<h1>Today’s activities</h1>


<li ng-repeat=”activity in activities”>







More and more number of professionals are turning to Angular JS as the scripting language. It is already facilitating several well maintained and robust projects worldwide and anyone is free to use it from

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