When We Should Use MongoDB Rather than MySQL

While SQL, mainly MS SQL Oracle and MySQL and Server are almost synonymous with RDBMS, MongoDB has been classified as a NoSQL database and is a cross-platform document-oriented one. At times, it is wise to replace MySQL with MongoDB as the latter is truly an agile database allowing quick changes of schemas when applications evolve.
Replacing MySQL with MongoDB
MongoDB, adopted by industry behemoths such as e-Bay, Craigslist, Viacom, Source Forge, New York Times and Foursquare to name a few, provides all the traditional functionalities such as secondary indexes, strict consistency and total query language. This backend software ensures high performance for reads and writes, salability and high availability.
Instead of MySQl or other RDMS, you can make better use of Mongo DB if you are confronted with any of the following issues:
Complex Data
In case your data are too complex to be modeled into a database system or in case you are de-normalizing your database schema or coding around issues of performance, MongoDB will be best suited for you. The other suitable situation is when you are storing serialized arrays or JSON objects. Yet another suitable situation is when you are not in a position to define schema or you intend storing records in the same collection having different fields.
Relevant Data
You can use MongoDB when you want to grow Big and share your data with partition for the best and the easiest solution. If you want to find relevant data from specific locations with speed and accuracy, the in-built special function of MongoDB provides the right solution.
Object Querying
Structured Query Language (SQL) implies that a string has to be put together which is parsed by that database system. On the other hand, MongoDB makes use of object querying that requires a document to be passed for explaining your query. No parsing of language is involved in it. Therefore, in case you are familiar with SQL, you can make better use of MongDB.
Big Sized Data
MongoDB has preferred usability over My SQL and other RDMBS when the data set by you is found to be too big and the schema is not suitable. There are certain RDBMS, when added with new columns, may be subjected to entire locking of the database. There may be degradation of performance in certain cases, when the size of the table is larger than IGB. Since MongoDB is free of schema, old rows are not affected by the addition of a new field.
High Data Load with Low Business Value
MongoDB gives preference to higher rate of insert over the safety of transaction. In case you intend to load voluminous data with a comparatively lower business value of each, Mongo DB will be your right choice.
While data is structured in database tables, fields and records and is based on relational models in case of RDBMS, developers find it more apt to deploy the Open Source Development model of MondoDB as and when required. The moral of the story is MySQL and MongoDB both have tremendous utilities and vary in their basic operations. Therefore, their usability is determined on the specific needs of your application.

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