Have a Fertility App Idea? Don’t Miss to Read This

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It is common knowledge that consuming work schedules, intense pressures, indulgent lifestyles and rising stress levels have ushered in an era of fertility discrepancies in modern women.  Many women today are prioritising careers, postponing marriage and motherhood for later. This further aggravates the contraception rate which is inversely proportional to age. Important factors like menstrual cycles, daily body temperatures, stress levels need to be monitored to conceive a baby. However, the ever-occupying modern day lifestyle seldom allows any scope for looking into these crucial details on a day to day basis.


Some of the most popular app in fertility niche feature functionalities like a calendar view of past and upcoming menses, predict ovulation, auto-generate doctors’ tips, and have message boards where users bond over their success and struggle stories. The growing popularity of technological assistance in managing fertility has lead to massive emergence of mobile applications and connected wearables for women.


Our team of mobile app development experts at Promatics has worked on various app projects that went on to become thriving app businesses due to excellent tech support, organic monetisation model and prolific execution. Here we list out some important insights that must be kept in mind if you are working on a fertility app idea:


Features of an Ideal Fertility App


I. A Powerful Algorithm to Gauge Fertility

A successful fertility app is based on an algorithm that predicts accurate fertile days for women. Most apps harness the prowess of machine learning and apply it to the knowledge of a woman’s menstrual cycle and physiological data to make the algorithm work. The algorithms compare the user’s previously recorded cycles, along with information provided by them about their cycles when they first started using the app. These apps calculate the probability that a user is in a certain phase of their cycle. Finally, the prediction is made in real time by incorporating data from physiological parameters. These parameters are correlated with the hormones estradiol and progesterone, which vary throughout the menstrual cycle. The accuracy of predictions varies according to the data required by the app to be entered by users. Over time, the accuracy of every app’s predictions is expected to improve.


II. Reminders for The Next Periods, PMS (Pre Menstruation Syndromes) & Fertile Windows

A second most important feature that becomes of a good fertility app is to shoot consistent reminders to users about their upcoming cycles or periods or fertile window. The helps increase focus on when a user is fertile for pregnancy and when not. The is also a unique solution for users those who don’t want to be pregnant anytime soon.  Users can sign up to receive customized reminders as per their convenience about their fertility phases and allied details.


III. Unique Pattern Identification through Cycles

A distinct privilege that can come from using your app can be the knowledge that each user gains about their bodies by detecting physical and emotional patterns.  This data from tracking menstrual data helps you track ovulation cycles and identify fertile days and educate the user about distinct ways their body functions.  Such knowledge can be of immense knowledge for a user’s medical expert too in devising best treatment plans for them in case of some fertility issue they suffer from.


Definitive Checklist For Fertility Apps


IV. Offline Mode & Sync

The fertility monitor apps allow users to track their menstruation cycles, periods and peak days of fertility. It would be painful to see a user meticulously record all the data onto an app manually, only to lose it due to some trivial error like internet connectivity. The app needs to store data until the next time the user is connected. The important feature for a fertility app with remain that it can be accessed and edited offline. The offline mode feature will sync the new data with the algorithm and return with updated fertility status. This makes it crucial to develop a fertility app that features offline sync, that ensures seamless usage of the app under all circumstances.


V. Personalised Knowledge About Body in Real-time

Whether a user is downloading your fertility app to serve their contraception needs or conceiving needs, she would want to learn more about their body in real-time. A good fertility app would be the one that allows her to do that by just asking her for her temperature details. A user would want to know about the technicality of their bodies during menstruation cycle, including PMS (Pre Menstruation Syndrome). Your app needs to be a user’s preferred platform to know about their bodies on the go.


VI. Connection With Peers to Talk & Bond About Menstrual Health

Having a strong community in place where women can discuss important fertility issues that bother them on a day to day basis can be a stand out feature of your fertility app. This group can serve as an extended circle of friends that can facilitate discussions about personal health problems like menstrual health or sexual health, about which women may be too shy to talk about with the people they know on a personal level. This feature can allow users to connect and learn from other women who have been through the same situations in the past.



Most fertility apps on the market today rely on basic body temperature to predict ovulation in women. It is simple to conclude that more the number of data points a fertility app uses, higher is the accuracy it achieves. This makes it important that app developers inculcate the right set of features in the fertility app that they plan to develop. Medical experts count on fertility apps that take into account factors like mood, sexual habits and medications being consumed by users in addition to basal body temperature. Make it a point to ensure that users dispel data into the app, to generate more value out of it.


The users that download your fertility app with a view to preventing pregnancy with a digital tracking tool, expect the app to be science and research-backed and expect assurances of privacy. Moreover, it is desirable that a fertility app educates a user with content related to pregnancy and fertility. Tailoring and serving content on the basis of user preference increases the chances of content consumption and user retention in long run.  While a woman trying to conceive must be served articles on parenting tips, one who is trying to avoid pregnancy will appreciate knowing about birth control methods and other preventative strategies. Collaborations between app developers and women’s health experts are desirable for any fertility app project. Additionally, a business must ensure that the value of informed consumerism campaigns must never be compromised through the marketing of the app.


Have a Fertility App idea? Feel free to discuss your idea with us at Promatics. We are a leading mobile app development company and a rich portfolio of diverse apps developed with top features and functionalities. We excel at making apps with cross-platform compatibility, featuring social media integration and even multi-lingual support. We would be more than happy to answer your queries about app development cost of fertility app, monetisation models of fertility apps etc. Get in touch with us through our contact us form and we will have someone from our team revert to you as soon as possible, at no additional cost.

Ready to Take the Next Step?


Rahul Singh

Sr. App Developer

Rahul has been associated with the apps industry for more than 9 years now. He has seen the apps economy grow from its nascent days to a full fledged industry with its complete ecosystem as of today. His interest lies in pursuing and getting to know the best app development technologies, processes and platforms. He is truly an app enthusiast. In his free time he loves playing console games and reading history.

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