The phrase, ‘Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder’ can rightly be applied on the effectiveness of web design as well. The practicality of a website is judged by the users and not the website owner himself. Though it is not just the form, that is, how good the website looks, but also the function and how easy it is to use. Besides the visual design, the usability and utility determine the success or failure of a website. A user friendly design has become a standard approach for a successful and profit oriented web design. Thus, if the user can’t effectively benefit from the feature, it’s existence is immaterial. Users appreciate quality and credibility. Utility, truly, reigns on the web. A website must scream its basics to all who land there.
There are certain principles and approaches for effective web design, which if used properly, can lead to more refined designing and simplify the process of perceiving the presented information. Here we explore the significant features affecting web design.
1. A well polished and an impactful logo – Having a professionally designed logo adds to the beauty of a website. A logo imparts a branding image, thus it must be prominently located on the site. Also, it must be linked to the homepage. A high resolution image or logo must be well featured on the top of every page of the website, thus giving a professional look to the visitor.
2. Clear navigation – It is very essential to make sure all the important links are placed at prominent places. A viewer tends to look at the top relating to the presence of significant information and links on the horizontal menu bar along the top of the page. Let the information be accessible from all parts of the site in order to avoid a jamming at the topmost corner. Also, the footer can be used for other important links.
3. Users must not be left to think – A well scan able layout gives the content a dominating position it deserves. Web page must be obvious, self explanatory and aesthetically appealing. Letting the user see clearly what features are available is a fundamental principle of a successful user interface design. Content must be well understood and visitors should feel comfortable with the way they interact with the system. Visitors glance at each new page, scan some of the text and click on the link that catches their interest or store information they are looking for. The content browsing must be clear and not leave the user guessing. Thus the site navigation, calls to action and content structure of your site need to be intuitive to the user.
4. Give priority to the website users’ needs – While designing, the focus must always be on the visitors’ perspective of viewing things, stating the usability, accessibility and user experience and interaction. Design, page layout and navigation should be consistent throughout the site. Consistency and coherence project a professional image. Company contact information is conspicuous. Contact details, phone numbers, email address and other necessary details must be made available on each page of your site.
5. Colour strategy and your website – Colour plays an important part in our life even when it comes to web. Each colour stands for something unique. They can influence a viewers’ mind and emotion to attract their attention to any aspect of a design or a layout. Pleasant colour schemes for a website hold on the visitors’ eye longer. Use of harsh and strong backgrounds or text colour must be refrained from use. Also, the colour palette can complement the logo and consistent with other marketing materials which adds to the grace of a web page.
6. Typography and Web Fonts – Even though the focus of a viewer remains on e content of your site, fonts and typography too play a significant role. It makes the matter more appealing, readable and impactful. Fonts depict the level of professionalism of the website. An appropriate and easily legible font gives a good impression, making the visitor read the content and browse effectively. Hence, they must be wisely chosen in order to make easy to read across all devices and browsers.
7. Avoiding clutter, optimizing load time and enhancing speed – Overloading a webpage with excess of images may stop information processing at the viewers’ end. More the clutter, longer it takes to load the page. Gone are the times when people could be made waiting. Three second rule must be made a benchmark for a webpage performance. If it takes longer, it is time to de-junk your homepage, simplify the codes or upgrade your servers.
8. Images and Use of White Space – For a well designed webpage, it must be simple and neat. Clutter with bulk images, graphics and background that takes time to load can turn to be a negative factor. Instead, use of tables and icons creatively tend to draw the viewers’ attention to a particular section. It gives breathing space to the viewer and helps in better absorption of the required content and information. Controlling the white space improves user experience, increasing the returns from the website.
9. Designing every page as a landing page – Each page must be designed in such a way making it as if the viewer would enter and navigate it primarily. Not necessarily a visitor scans the homepage and surfs thereafter, navigating into the site. Therefore, the need is to design the entire site in a way that it provides the key information on each page and ensures a positive influence over the user.
10. Ensure a scalable, reliable and responsive website – With the advancing technology, configuration of computers and their monitors keep varying making it impossible to test site in all screen sizes, platforms and user scenarios. Web marketing strategy must be more effective and consistent across many different platforms and devices in the market. A reliable and responsive designed site would perform well under most user circumstances and look good on most devices.
11. Testing early and testing often the design – Testing plays the most crucial role in the effectiveness of a web design. Testing, at each stage, helps in developing a standard and an effective solution. Analyzing significant problems and issues related to a given layout helps in proper and efficient implementation of web design.
Effective visual communication enhances a company’s performance at web designing level, and thus, it must be developed efficiently. In order to increase the conduct, organization and companies can design websites to enhan
ce social media user experience. Right from code to content to commerce, all must be managed well. Striving for simplicity rather than complexity is the most fundamental aspect for effective web design.
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