Tips to Improve the Performance of Your Web Page

Agreed that the performance of your website is directly proportional to your returns! After all, a good website means a good business. Is your website’s performance lagging behind? Of course you have a sea of remedies to boost it up! However, we suggest you to work on the front-end performance. Why? Because it is not only the most accessible part of your website, it is economical too. Besides, the performance of particularly this part determines the response tie of your website.
Here are some best ways to get the maximum return from your investment:
1.Profiling is the Right Trick:

Imagine a patron trying to come to your site and giving up the patience for your site to open in time! This is where profiling does the trick by chopping away the components that are huge and unessential and arranging those which are relevant and useful. Detailed profiling aids in speeding up your website. Firebug is a right tool to focus on the components you need and the ones you should eliminate.
2.Stick to the Right Format to Save Images:



If your website is swarming with images, it’s essential to save them in the right format. Choosing the relevant file format for your images goes a long way in optimizing the performance of your website. For natural pictures stick to JPEG format for best resolutions while for graphics and charts, just go for the formats with lower file sizes like PNG or GIF.
3.CSS sprites are Cool for Reducing HTTP requests:
To reduce server requests, you may use CSS Sprite that will combine the small images into a bigger one. Digg is also good to show individual icons for the users. And CSS Sprite Generator is a right tool which allows you to upload the images meant to be combined together.
4.Say Bye to Unessential Characters in the Source File:
By shrinking your source file by eliminating unessential characters you can speed up your site’s performance. A long CSS can be easily shortened by eliminating tabs, spaces and the similar without compromising the quality of your site. Use any free tool you like to meet the purpose.
5.Stay Away from inline CSS and JavaScirpt
Say no to inline CSS and JavaScript as these will discourage the automatic downloading of your web browser once the user goes away from your site. To take the advantage of excellent caching feature stay away from too much of CSS and JavaScript in your HTML document.
6.Zipping up Large Files:
Zipping up the large files is an easy and effective method to improve the performance of your website. Deflate and gzip are useful methods to zip up the large files and page components. Send zipped files through e-mail which you spare space on your website.
7.Your Web Server Performance Does Matter:
Your web server performance is actually the nervous system of your entire optimization mission. Therefore, it requires thorough tracking to obtain the clear performance picture. Choose a tool in accordance with your accessibility to the web server. Remember to benchmark after each major change benchmark.
The crux of the thing is to keep it simple, short and crisp. Bid goodbye to all that is unnecessary to speed up your site. Adopt these easy measures and enjoy watching your website deliver!

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Promatics India

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Promatics since its inception has been committed to deliver services that surpass excellence and tailored to cater the needs of an ever-evolving digital landscape. Promatics designs, develops and delivers web and mobile applications that drive today’s businesses, ameliorate and enhance business capability, reduce customer acquisition lead times, accelerate top line growth, create better brand and ultimately beat competition. Supported by excogitative research and development, Promatics uses its strengths in technology, software, mobile as well as customer service to create new revenue-generating opportunities for its customers and at the same time reducing the overheads, while enabling them to quickly deploy and better manage and direct their businesses.

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