What is GDPR? How does it affect mobile app development?

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Data is one of the crucial elements of technology. Processing data has always been an important aspect of mobile app development companies. Data is used to fuel everything from personal assistant to social media.


Companies need to make sure to keep the data protected and private. But, it is often neglected in society, especially in the work of internet. The internet has removed all the boundaries and limitations, exposing personal data on different channels. In some cases, personal information is being used for illegal activities.


To protect user’s right, the industry has come up with new rules to protect data. The Data Protect Act has been implemented by a number of countries, and now, it is not going to be replaced by General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This regulation is formed by a set of rules that must be followed to collect and process data.


What is GDPR?

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law that has been made to protect the data. The main aim of this regulation is to get complete control over the personal data. It was adopted in April 2016 and enforced from May 2018. Although the regulation is subjected to citizens of entire EU, it will have an impact on organizations globally.


It means GDPR applies to all the companies – even if the company is registered outside EU. So, it’s time for all the organizations to understand GDPR and start working on it.  Before we go into detail – let’s understand a few terms used in GDPR.


a.) Data processor – An organization or individual that processes data on behalf of administrator

b.) Controller – A person or company that uses data

c.) Data protection officer – A person who help users with GDPR compliance

d.) Data subject – Individual whose data is processed


GDPR effects every organization that handles customer data, regardless of the domain or field. The GDPR also had a great impact on mobile app development. It is necessary to explore the basics of those regulations to understand how GDPR impacts mobile apps. Here we are going to review the impact of GDPR on mobile apps and how app developers should overcome it. Some of the important influences of GDPR on mobile apps are as below –


  • Personal data

GDPR defines strict guidelines to protect personal data. As said above, personal data refers to the record that identifies any individual using name, phone numbers, GPS location usernames and much more. It is must to update the content in accordance with GDPR guidelines. For example – the data processor with the GDPR law is now responsible for holding the personal data. Hence, all the mobile apps hosted with respective data processors need to be GDPR compliant. This means, every mobile app owner need to get approval to collect and process personal data from May 25th, 2018.


  • Access to private data

According to GDPR, only a few authorities are allowed to access private data. This means the mobile app development companies must hire a data security specialist who can adhere to the best practices and familiar with the law. From now, only the data specialist and data protection officer will have access to important information. The users will have all the rights to make an inquiry regarding the data collection, data processing, and data protection.


  • Erase personal data

As per the new data protection act, users have complete rights to erase personal information from their database. The main motto is to allow people to come out of the agreement without much difficulty. Users can take help of data controllers to prevent data processing, delete personal data and much more.


Important influences of GDPR on mobile apps


  • Design privacy

App developers must consider the data protection concept at the beginning of mobile app development. This rule is applicable to all the companies, regardless of the size of their mobile app. The design privacy will become a legal requirement, which means the data protection will be considered critically from the beginning until the end of the project. Moreover, the data should be limited only to the personnel in charge of data processing.


  • Announce data breach

App developer must announce the data breach within 72 hours of detecting it. It means both the users and authorities must be notified about the incidents as soon as possible. As the data breach could risk the freedom of individuals, it is extremely important to prevent and notify it to the authorities.


How can mobile app developers prepare for GDPR?

A great step towards securing your mobile app is to upgrade your app to the newest version of the framework. Make sure that your existing app is running smoothly on supported versions, as many versions will become unsupported under the data protection regulations. It is essential to control data usage and related activities.


The main objective of GDPR is to make the data clear, obvious and secured. Here are some of the steps to app developers can take to prepare for GDPR.

1.) App developer must think of ways to use personal data. If the personal data is nowhere used, it doesn’t make sense to collect it. App developers can forget about GDPR and personal data.

2.) Mobile app owners and developers must make sure that the users know why they are collecting their personal data. Add a privacy policy to the app that is easy to understand. If your app is collecting personal data, ask for consent for collecting and processing the data.

3.) Ensure highest level of data security, no matter how small or large your app is. Choose the best tool to keep data safe and secured.

4.) It is essential to be aware of the data encryption technologies. Make sure that the users are aware of the technologies used in developing the mobile app. The more transparent you are with the users, the easier it is to handle potential incident.

5.) Remember that the users are not familiar with the GDPR principles. Be ready to solve the user queries and provide them with all the details they would like to know about.


Mapping is the best way to prevent potential dangers and organize accepted information. Conduct research to make sure that everything you are doing is in compliance with GDPR. Do not forget documentation as it keeps everything under control.



It is not difficult for app developers to follow these rules. If you want to develop a successful mobile app that compliances with the GDPR, app developers must build a clear picture of their requirements. Following the best mobile app development practices will help you develop a successful mobile app and run it seamlessly. Remember that ignoring GDPR will have a negative impact on your business and may cost your business a fortune.


GDPR takes care of user rights and hence it is important to prepare for it. Contact us today to make sure that your mobile app complies with GDPR.

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Gayatri Akella

Content Writer

Gayatri is a content writer specializing in web pages and SEO content. She writes SEO articles for companies that want to enhance their visibility on search engine result pages. She contributes articles related to mobile apps, SEO, technology and related niches. She is a techno-savvy person and is passionate in writing how-to-guides, gadget reviews, blogs, eBooks and cutting edge articles about current technology trends. Her work involves rewriting, proofreading, editing and updating content. She experimented with various occupations – programming, training, web designing…..But her favorite job is the one she is doing now.

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