Before selecting a perfect service provider, you need to consider what functions are required and then match them with the features that are already available with the service providers. This simplifies the selection process to a great extent, because cost is not the only crucial factor to be kept in mind while buying.
We will scan the two competitors – AWS and Google while comparing them on, number of services offered, computing capabilities and analytics for better understanding of the two as service providers and to make the best decision as per your organizational needs.
The main features included for comparison are:
1. Service Offerings:
One striking difference between the two cloud giants is the number of services that both provide. Without any doubt AWS is the winner. AWS provides a very wide range of services in the computing & networking area, storage, database, analytics, mobile space, compute, networking, configuration management, content delivery and many more. There are specific tools for media transcoding and Streaming, for managed Directory Service, relational and NoSQL databases, and Desktops in the Cloud service. The variety of services is well integrated and provides cloud service as a complete comprehensive package.
As regards to Google Cloud, the list of services is much lesser compared to AWS, probably because their focus is mainly on IaaS and PaaS services. Google also has tools for usual IaaS computing, object storage, relational and non relational databases, and for DNS and Endpoints.
2. Computing:
Amazon EC2, One of the biggest and oldest leaders when it comes to cloud computing capabilities.
Costs: As far as costs are concerned, EC2 charges usage of instances by the hour. Usage for less than an hour is rounded off to an hour.
GCE’s compute and storage costs are lesser than Amazon EC2. GCE machine types are charged a minimum of 10 minutes. Post 10 minutes, instances are charged as 1-minute increments, rounded up to the nearest minute.
Load balancers: Amazon’s Elastic Load Balancer is not well designed to handle spikes that arise all of a sudden.
GCE’s Load Balancer does not need any kind of pre-warming. It automatically scales to support spiky traffic.
Better network throughput: AWS uses public Internet for communicating between regions.
In contrast, GCE Network I/O across regions is way better and faster than AWS. This fact is clear as they use their global network – the backbone of Google’s infrastructure.
Integrated networking: Amazon Virtual Private Cloud came two years later than the Amazon EC2 went live. Networking on Amazon EC2 came as an afterthought, so it was tough for the customers with large deployments running on EC2 to migrate to VPC environment.
On GCE customers can easily create a virtual network, private, public subnets, firewalls, routes, gateways, ACLs even before launching the first VM. Unlike Amazon VPC, this is not a separate service it is an integral part of the GCE.
Block Storage: GCE’s persistent disk can be attached to multiple instances and allows distribution of data to a large workforce. It supports up to 10TB that is 10 times greater than the supported size of Amazon EBS. GCE’s PD includes the price of I/O but Amazon does not include it.
3. Analytics
AWS not only has EC2, which is the direct competitor to GCE, but it has a variety of storage options such as Simple Storage Service (S3), Elastic Block Storage (EBS), and RedShift – AWS data warehousing platform. AWS recently rolled out Kenesis, its real-time data analytics platform for short-term analytics jobs.
Google’s strong area is Big Data. Google’s BigQuery allows you to analyze huge amounts of data in a very short time. It solves problem by enabling super-fast, SQL-like queries using the processing power of Google’s infrastructure. It helps in providing real-time insights about datasets.
The Winner?
Comparing complex platforms like GCP and AWS is not a cakewalk; the debate will go on as both the providers have their own strengths and weak points.
Two important components while looking at cloud services are computing power and storage. Currently Google offers both at a low cost and giving better-performance compared to Amazon’s services. Google also has a simpler pricing structure that surprisingly gets cheaper with the increase in usage.
But Amazon has been the pioneer for much longer, and has many more data centers throughout the world. It also offers a rich variety of features along with the two vital features of core compute and storage.
Considering the above comparison we can definitely conclude that there isn’t a Single provider that can perfectly match your requirements. But this comparison will surely help you take the right decision as per your requirements.
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