Why your website needs a refresh?

As per the Law of Nature, things lose their charm and spark over time, even the ones which seem the most unique. All things, running or obsolete, require maintenance. It is well known, that change is inevitable. Up-gradation and new styles must be adopted with the changing trends.


Internet is a dynamic sphere, where new tools and apps are constantly being released. In order to keep up with this pace, a website must always be regularly refreshed. Rebuilding an entirely new site can be done occasionally.


What does a refresh mean?

  • A refresh is effective as a boost to your visibility on search engines.
  • A refresh ensures you stay compliant with new versions of browsers.
  • A refresh updates and renews what you currently have.
  • A refresh is basically “website cleaning”.

Refresh v/s Rebuild

As stated above, refreshing a website is more desirable than rebuilding an entirely new site. Reconstructing a new website is a mere strenuous exercise in terms of team efforts, time, money and resources.


Refreshing a website involves minor changes in the elements of the site, thereby not changing the basic structure of the website. During a refresh you forego conducting a website code audit or content audit as these are textbook elements of a website rebuild. It is therefore more effective and requires less time than to rebuild a new one.


While considering a site refresh, set clear the goals that require changes. Keep updated with the new posts, versions and trends in web design. Introducing new features, adding new sections, bringing in more visuals and adapting to the updated versions are some factors to be taken care of while refreshing a website. Not refreshing a website regularly may lead to the site elements that become outdated over a period of time, forcing the companies to rebuild the site all over.


What defines an ‘out of date’ website?

Just a glance on a website is enough for a viewer to know is the website is updated or requires up gradation. With the changes in design trends at such a pace, even six months old updated site can seem outdated. Upgradation and a refreshed look is desirable in all aspects, be it the brand of the company, elements, fonts, style guides or even the colors. It ensures your website will stay relevant with the latest search engine and browser standards.


A website depicts the company’s brand equity online and thus should always serve as the best representation of the company. Thus consistent modification of the website helps in forming the base of the company’s reputed branding. A refresh ensure that the brand remains connected and is well engaged with its desired audience. After all if a prospect checks out your site to look up what services you offer, and the copyright date is from 2012, then it may leave a bad impression on his mind and he may possibly go to your competitor.

Ready to Take the Next Step?


Promatics India

Content Writer

Promatics since its inception has been committed to deliver services that surpass excellence and tailored to cater the needs of an ever-evolving digital landscape. Promatics designs, develops and delivers web and mobile applications that drive today’s businesses, ameliorate and enhance business capability, reduce customer acquisition lead times, accelerate top line growth, create better brand and ultimately beat competition. Supported by excogitative research and development, Promatics uses its strengths in technology, software, mobile as well as customer service to create new revenue-generating opportunities for its customers and at the same time reducing the overheads, while enabling them to quickly deploy and better manage and direct their businesses.

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